Congreso Labiofam 2012



Currently in Cuba, thanks to the Labiofam biopharmaceutical and chemical products,  there are more than 150 projecting technologies developed for the making of pharmaceutical products and food integrators which help the treatment of many human diseases. During the opening ceremony of the 2nd Labiofam International congress in 2012, Doctor Fraga, chairman of the company,  explained that Labiofam produces in the Country over the 98% of the veterinary medicines and promotes more than 54 technologies for the production of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides used in agriculture.

During the five days conference, more than 450 delegates from 36 Countries debated with the Labiofam researchers about VIDATOX 30 CH as an oncological alternative therapy and about the evaluation of the quality of life of those patients affected by intracranial and colon cancers.

Labiofam is also known for its veterinary vaccines for national industry, its evaluation of the homeopathy applied to veterinary medicine, the development of agricultural bio products, and for the national program of natural products. 


Registro Clinico Cuba Estudio TS-FARMEV-Estudio CERVISEG-300-I;(CIGB 300 : peptidi di sintesi dello scorpione Rophalurus Junceus).

Safety clinical trial and pharmacological evaluation of intravenous administration of CIGB-300 in patients with solid tumors refractory to oncospecific treatment.

————————————————– Título abreviado del estudio:

————————————————– Título completo del estudio:
Ensayo clínico de seguridad y evaluación farmacológica de la administración endovenosa del CIGB-300 en pacientes con tumores sólidos refractarios al tratamiento oncoespecífico.